Books by Oris Oris
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Series: «Extraterrestrial Contacts»
Book 2. «The crew of the Starship Sirius-A reports»
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Book 2. «The crew of the Starship Sirius-A reports»
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Complete catalogue of books written by Oris Oris
Separate books 1996-1999
Series: «Life between Lives»
Series: «Extraterrestrial Contacts»
Series: «The Gospels»
Series: «Working Notes»
Series: «Iissiidiology»
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Complete catalogue of books by Oris Oris
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Complete catalogue of books written by Oris Oris
Separate books 1996-1999
Series «Life between Lives»
Series «Extraterrestrial Contacts»
Series «The Gospels»
Series «Working Notes»
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Complete catalogue of books written by Oris Oris
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Complete catalogue of books written by Oris Oris
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«Wandering of the Soul»
«Thought and Meditation»
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Book 1. «Life without death»:
Book 7. «Soul in the Zodiac»
Book 8. «The art of dying. Part 1»
Book 8. «The art of dying. Part 2»
Book 8. «The art of dying. Part 3»
Book 8. «The art of dying. Part 4»
Book 8. «The art of dying. Part 5»
Book 15. «Soul in the Higher Worlds»:
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Book 1. «Teachers from Pleiades report»:
Book 2. «The crew of the Starship Sirius-A reports»
Book 3. «The crew of the Starship Sirius-B reports»
Book 4. «The Teachers of the humanity report»
Book 5. «Extraterrestrials»
Book 6. «On the eve of Armageddon»
Book 7. «The beginning of Armageddon»
Book 8. «Quo Vadis»
Book 9. «The Word of Transfiguration»
Book 10. «The New Earth»
Book 11. «Messages from Heaven»
Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary 1»
Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary 2»
Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary 3»
Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary 4»
Book 13. «All Extraterrestrial Contacts»
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«The Gospel of the Transfiguration from the Mother of God»
«The Gospel of the Transfiguration from the Christ»:
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«Chakram Personalities»
«Muladhara chakra»
«Svadhisthana chakra»
«Anahata chakra»
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Volume 1. Iissiidiology Fundamentals. «Interaction of Information and Energy as the Primary Cause for origination of the Creative Activity of Self-Consciousness Focus and the Macrocosmos in whole»
Volume 2. Iissiidiology Fundamentals. «Cosmic Qualities as the Basis for energy-informational manifestation of all the Form-systems of Macrocosmos»
Volume 3. Iissiidiology Fundamentals. «Variety of Forms of Creative Realization of the Cosmic Human»
Volume 4. Iissiidiology Fundamentals. «Structure and Laws of implementation of Macrocosmos skrruullerrt system energy-informational dynamics»
Volume 5. Iissiidiology Fundamentals. «Basic creative possibilities of the realization of lluuvvumic Creators in mixtum NUU-VVU Forms»
Volume 6. Iissiidiology Fundamentals. «Bioenergy processes of Self-Consciousness Focus Dynamics formation»
Volume 10. Immortality is accessible to everyone. «Fundamental Principles of Immortality»
Volume 11. Immortality is accessible to everyone. «Energy and biological mechanisms of refocusings of Self-Consciousness»
Volume 15. Immortality is accessible to everyone. «The Conscious Path to Human Worlds of “personal” Immortality»
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